Everything you need to know about Marriage bot Discord | Marriage Bot Discord Review 2022

Everything you need to know about Marriage bot Discord. Marriage Bot Discord Review 2022. Discord Marriage Bot. Marriage Bot Discord Commands 2022

Everything you need to know about Marriage bot Discord | Marriage Bot Discord Review 2022

Marriage bot discord: The bot that can help you to virtually marry users on discord. This is called Marriage Discord Bot. Discord is a giant messaging or chatting application that is available for all devices that is PC, Android and iPhone. There are various kinds of discord bots that are used to automate various tasks in the Discord server. Also, there are available fun bots that assist people in a particular discord server to have some fun by using different kinds of commands with each other. One such discord bot is the marriage discord bot.

marriage discord bot
marriage discord bot

In this post about marriage discord bot, we will discuss about some important features of marriage discord bot, marriage discord bot command and furthermore a quick review about marriage discord bot.

What is Marriage Discord Bot?

Marriage Discord Bot is a bot that can help you build your virtual family on discord whether you want your mom, daddy or your wife. Marriage Discord Bot stimulates and creates a virtual environment of marriage or more specifically a family. The theme or aim of Marriage Discord Bot is MarriageBot - Marry your friends, adopt your enemies! The feature of Marriage Discord Bot that excites most of the discord users or marriage discord bot users is that users can see their family tree while building their family. This family tree will include all your virtual relatives and their relations with you and each other just as a typical family tree is like. All these can be achieved by using some simple marriage discord bot commands that will automatically do this interesting task for you. We will discuss the marriage discord bot commands further in this post so keep in reading this post, if you don't have much time to read this post then just bookmark this blog which will help you in the future to continue where you left. Through marriage bot, you can complete or plan your family by marrying your beloved and also at the same time you can also attend the marriage ceremony of other couples and shower your blessing on them and pray for their happy virtual married life on discord by using various emojis available at discord application.

How to Add Marriage Discord Bot to Discord?

Inviting a marriage discord bot to your discord server is as simple and easy as you invite other bots to your discord server. To invite marriage discord bit to your server follow the step by step instructions below.

1. Search on google for marriage discord bot.
2. Now you will see the official marriage discord bot page or website.

marriage bot discord
marriage bot discord

3. Click on the webpage and there you will find a link saying add it to your server or invite discord bot from below.

Discord bot Invite link
Marriage Discord Bot Invite

4. Now it will redirect you to a page asking you to choose the server you want to invite bot for, choose the server accordingly and click on continue.

marriage bot discord
marriage bot discord

5. In this step, you will be able to see the permissions the marriage discord bot is asking just click on authorise.

marriage bot discord
marriage bot discord

Now you have successfully added the marriage discord bot to your server.

How to Setup Marriage Discord Bot?

Unlike many other discord bots, there is no need to set up anything for using marriage discord bot. You just need to invite or add marriage discord bot to your server and you are good to go. I mean you can use the bot instantly after inviting it to your discord server.
However, as you know that sometimes there are many discord bots in our discord server and therefore their prefixes clash with each other if they are similar. Therefore I recommend you to change the bot prefix according to you. In the case of marriage discord bot, it can be done by using the command

Marriage discord bot commands

Marriage discord bot is Gaming, Social, Fun, Anime, Meme, Music, Roleplay, Minecraft, Moderation and Giveaway bot. Thus it is clear that the marriage discord bot obviously would have of commands to explore and use.
Below is a list of Marriage Discord Bot Commands which you can use and enjoy with your friends on a discord server.

Bot Settings Commands

No Command Usage
1 m!prefix to change prefix of marriage discord bot.

Bot Stats Commands

No Command Usage
1 m!info Gives important information about the marriage discord bot.
2 m!invite Gives marriage discord bot invite link.
3 m!vote Gives link to vote the marriage discord bot.
4 m!stats Displays the statistics for the marriage discord bot.

Block Commands

No Command Usage
1 m!block Blocks a user to being able to adopt, make parent and so on.
2 m!unblock Unblocks a user and allows him to adopt, make parent and so on.

Parentage Commands

No Command Usage
1 m!makeparent Picks a user that you want to be your parent.
2 m!adopt Adopt another user into your family.
3 m!disown Lets you remove a user from being your child.
4 m!emancipate Removes your parent.m!disownall - Disowns all of your children.m!abandon - Completely removes you from the tree.

Server Specific Commands

No Command Usage
1 m!perks Shows you the perks associated with different support tiers.
2 m!incest Toggles allowing incest on your guild.
3 m!gold Gives you the information about server specific families and MarriageBot Gold.
4 m!forcemarry Marries the two specified users.
5 m!forcedivorce Divorces a user from their spouse.
6 m!forceadopt Adds the child to the specified parent.
7 m!forceemancipate Force emancipates a child.

Marriage Commands

No Command Usage
1 m!marry Lets you propose to another Discord user.
2 m!divorce Divorces you from your current partner.

Simulation Commands

No Command Usage
1 m!hug Hugs a mentioned user.
2 m!kiss Kisses a mentioned user.
3 m!slap Slaps a mentioned user.
4 m!punch Punches a mentioned user.
5 m!ship Gives you a ship percentage between two users.

Information Commands

No Command Usage
1 m!partner Tells you who a user is married to.
2 m!children Tells you who a user’s children are.
3 m!siblings Tells you who a user’s siblings are.
4 m!parent Tells you who someone’s parent is.
5 m!familysize Gives you the size of your family tree.
6 m!relationship Gets the relationship between the two specified users.
7 m!tree Gets the blood family tree of a given user.
8 m!bloodtree Gets the entire family tree of a given user.

Marriage Discord Bot Review

As you now are aware of the usage of the marriage discord bot and what this bot is capable of doing means fun, moderation and all that so know you might want to know what the people say about marriage discord bot specifically let's talk about the review of marriage discord bot.
Marriage Discord Bot is rated 4.36 stars with a total of 326 reviews of the bot. Out of 326 people majority that is 219 have rated the marriage discord bot as 5 stars. This reflects that the users have a good experience using the marriage discord bot.


Marriage Discord Bot is a multifunctional bot that can help you to have fun and moderate discord server at the same time. In this post, we discussed about Marriage Discord Bot along with how to add and set up a marriage discord bot. Furthermore, we also mentioned all the useful commands of the marriage discord bot and finally wrapped the post with a quick review of the marriage discord bot. 

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